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Psoriasis Alternative Care

With an increasing rise in the number of skin disorders every year the first thing that individuals should realize is that there are MANY alternative forms of treatment that are safe, effective, and transformational. The second thing is that skin disorders can be very deep, stubborn, and usually take time, patience, and discipline to shift.

According to Ancient Chinese Medicine there are several different types of Psoriasis, and several different types of eczema and dermatitis as well. In this article we will focus on Psoriasis, however eczema alternative care is very similar and according to Oriental Medical Theory the basic symptoms fit into similar categories.

Psoriasis Alternative Care – An Oriental Medical View

Here we will break up Psoriasis into three basic categories, which themselves are made up of shared patterns of symptoms according to traditional theory. You will notice that the symptoms are dramatically different. The theory of Oriental Medicine holds these groupings as Tendencies. Certain individuals may show symptoms from more than one category and rarely does an individual demonstrate all symptoms within a single category. Keep in mind also that this is an introductory and incomplete list of the several different types of aetiologies and diagnoses.

Type one is typically seen in weak or elderly patients who may be thin, undernourished, of frail constitution, or who tire easily. In this type of patient the digestive system or lungs may be weak or compromised in some fashion. Consequently there may be patterns of asthma, respiratory allergies, sinus problems, digestive discomforts, or more severe disorders such as IBS, crohnes, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The second type of psoriasis is usually seen in individuals with high stress levels, and those dealing with anger, type A personalities. These presentations have more to do with the liver organ system and therefore often present together with those who consume large amounts of alcohol, tobacco, sugar, coffee, and other medications and drugs. Other accompanying symptoms could be: Heat, migraines, high blood pressure, shoulder and neck tension, red itchy eyes, allergies, history of stroke, cramps, spasms, ticks, and PMS.

The third type of psoriasis manifests in those who consume large amounts of fried foods, gooey, heavy, creamy foods, sugar, and those who live in damp, tropical environments. These individuals may or may not be overweight, but usually have sluggish metabolism and sluggish energy levels. Sometimes these patients will test positive for harmful bacterias, yeasts, and will often feel lethargic, heavy, have frontal headaches, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, foggy thinking, and strong body oders.

Psoriasis Alternative Views For Causes

As with all chronic skin ailments, the body is communicating that either it is lacking something, or it is getting too much of a good or bad thing. Perhaps there is a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, or amino acids. Perhaps it is lacking energy and needs a boost from herbs, a proper diet and acupuncture. It is also possible that the system may be clogged and overloaded with excess fats, cholesterol, and toxins which can effect the liver, large intestines, spleen, stomach, kidneys, and each of their functions in a variety of ways.

As you can see from the above examples, there are many, many reasons that someone could present with skin disorders. The intention of this article is not to provide concrete answers and diagnoses for individuals looking for a solution, because the above list contains only a few of many patterns that can cause skin disease. Rather, this article is intended to help the reader recognize that there are a wide variety of disharmonies that can create skin problems, and there are a wide variety of disorders that can combine with one another to create very complex cases. Each person is totally unique and will have different causes and different remedies. The job of a good physician is to investigate, and to flexibly move with the illness as it shifts through different phases of its healing process. With Chinese medicine, the practitioner will do his best to address all the given imbalances with herbs, acupuncture, and dietary education as the symptoms present.

Many times the body has a specific order that it needs to be treated in if there is more than one imbalance occurring at a time, (which there usually is). Here again, the job of the physician is to know the traditional rules that may apply to the order of treatment, and then to be open-minded and listen to the responses of the patient’s body. It is not un-common that one patient will require that the doctor experiment with the order and combinations of several subtly differing diagnoses and treatment plans before finding the exact order that the individual’s body is asking to be treated in.

In Summary – Alternative Care for Chronic Disease:
The purpose of this article is to say that there is a way to shift and transform anything… with patience, dedication, trust, commitment, self-love, and the knowing that anything can be healed if we are diligent in the study of ourselves. In the process of seeking a cure for any ailment, the patient is set out on a journey. It is a journey of exploration, of open-mindedness, of intuitive development, and of examining the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of one’s life.

On this journey of healing, the symptoms are your guide. Observe all of your symptoms with compassion and awareness. Watch what you eat, what emotions you carry in your body, and what environments you expose yourself to and learn how these factors affect your symptoms. If you are suffering from psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis, you will be able to watch these factors affect your skin first hand. This is a blessing that is not shared with most diseases. Know that you can and will recover if you stay on this path long enough. Also realize that you never know when and where relief will come from, but it will come.

Posted by Carrie at August 22, 2004 07:46 PM


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